If there is more than one event in a day, than on some devices this will be shown as a number.
Press on the date you are interested in and the individual events will appear.
Press on the event to reveal the exact timings.
To enquiry about hiring the hall click here.
To download an event stall booking form click here.
Events for 2025
Saturday 8th March
Worrall Quiz
Saturday 26th April
7:00pm to 11:00pm
Worrall Plant & Dog Show
Sunday 1st June
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Worrall Gala and Music Festival
Saturday 6th September
1:00pm to 11:00pm
Wine Testing
Saturday 4th October
7:00pm to 11:00pm
WCA Event
Saturday 1st November
Time TBC
Junior Makers Market
Sunday 30th November
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Past Events
Plant Sale 2nd June 2024
Following our 3rd annual Plant Sale a donation of £500 was made to St Luke’s Hospice.
Wine and Cheese Evening 5th July 2024
Following great wines and enjoyable company, a donation was made of £150 to Mountain rescue.
Worrall Quiz evening on October 19th
Congratulations to the worthy winners of the Simmons Team.
Following another successful evening a donation was made of £150 to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service.
Christmas Cafe 2024
Thanks to all our brilliant young entrepreneurs and their hard work for taking over the Christmas cafe and making it such a success.
In recognition of their efforts, we have made a donation of £100 to Sheffield Children’s Hospital.
Worrall Coronation Celebration
Thank you for all those who attended, especially our brilliant spies who all graduated from spy school and cracked the code.
We would like to give special thanks to the sponsorship we received from TARA (Tenants and Residents Association, Stocksbridge and Upper Don Valley) and Bradfield Parish Council, which enabled us to give all participates of the Spy Game a Coronation Memento, see photo below.

Worrall Events Group
We have an active and enthusiastic Events group, which meet when required (normally in the village pub) to plan events and to suggest future event ideas.
If you would like to help, have an event idea which you feel is not currently suggested, and are interested in joining the Events Group please contact events@worrallcomunityassociation.co.uk.